For pup I believe it's based on your ranged slot items Ilevel. For SMN your avatars level is based on your ammo sachet Ilevel, if you don't have one your avatars will be low level. For BST the level of your pet is based on your main weapon Ilevel. The base level of your trusts is based on your combined Ilevel (/checkparam tells you this), so lower ilevel gear means lower level trusts. displayhead off will visually hide head armor, /displayhead on turns it back on. servmes shows you current campaigns and information. These are unlocked if you have the jobs unlocked To activate job emotes type, /jobemote job, for example /jobemote blm or /jobemote drk. To turn off the weird blur effect around avatars and some trusts, type /localsettings blureffect You can also use the above sets to create fashion sets to make glamours, and then goto that set and pick "style lock" to set that look from that saved set. From your written macro then you can type /equipset 01 to equip all the gear from the macro set in one command. If you goto Macros and "edit equip set", you can edit a set (for example set01) to add in lots of armors and save that as a macro set. For instance Very Difficult V2 Ambsucade is easier than Easy V1 Ambuscade. The Ilevel rating is usually more important than the rated difficulty, even then the actual mechanics very often make a huge difference. Hide also works if the monster aggros to sight (nothankyou821)ĭifficulty ratings on content are not universal, and it depends on the kind of content you're doing. Sneak Attack, can be used from any angle if you use bully first. There is a shop in Tenshodo that added mass amounts of usually very difficult to get spells for fairly cheap prices, for instance warp or Utsusemi. Also the gold chest can be a lucky loud thud as all the others can, but you get no message from it saying so. You get a 100% win but obviously far less chance of anything good. If you're squeamish, you don't have to open any chests in AMAN Trove except the middle gold one. You can boost your trusts by raising pets in your mog garden, you unlock cheers which add things such as perma refresh on your trusts among others. You can check your overall stats by typing /checkparam Get all items you can buy from this npc, it does not use up points when you buy something as the points just unlock tiers. It takes 3-4 months to get enough points (the pulse does not have to match the weapon you want, a pulse is a pulse). You can get a "free" pulse weapon just by doing ROE other > monthly quests, then talking to the AMAN Validator next to the sparks npc. Turn them back off after, it removes all graphic effects like spells and weapon skills.

If you goto config > effects and turn all effects on except the top one you can remove all FPS lag in Domain Invasion. If you goto your equip window and pick that slot in order to find a replacement in that slot, then hover over another armor or weapon and press CTRL, it will show a window to compare stats between them. Which means you can open it for no cost except the gil value of the key. If you buy a coffer key from the Curio Moogle and trade that to the gobbie box goblin, you get 50 daily login points to offset the special dial cost.

If you're farming low level monsters I would suggest going thief/rdm and pulling with dia before killing and see if you notice a big difference.
I personally believe from my own testing that if you one shot a monster you are not applying treasure hunter at all and are wasting your time being on thief. Treasure Hunter is a debuff that has to be applied to the monster.
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Just gonna post some bits and pieces some might not know, feel free to post others.